
Busy Intersection to Get Area’s 1st Signal

The community will soon be getting its first traffic light.

The county plans to install the signal at Madison Avenue and Newland Street on the east side of the unincorporated community. Officials said they will select a contractor in the next few months and hope to have the job completed by summer.

Jerome Catlin, president of the Midway City Chamber of Commerce and Homeowners Assn., said that the intersection has been the site of numerous accidents and is used by children walking to and from an elementary school.

“Newland is really a speedway through that area,” Catlin said. “A lot of people run that stop sign.”


The signal will be the first in Midway City, which is between Westminster and Huntington Beach.

The county is also installing $10,000 worth of outdoor lighting at Roger R. Stanton Park, home to the Midway City Community Center.
