
Agreement Could Reduce Trash Bills

Trash bills will drop if the City Council approves a 10-year agreement Monday to ship garbage to the county landfill system.

The city’s hauler, Great Western Reclamation, already uses the county landfill system and pays $27 a ton. Under the agreement to be considered Monday, the rate would drop to $22 a ton, effective July 1.

Residents’ monthly bills would drop by 63 cents a month to $13.39 beginning July 1, according to a city report, while many businesses would see a decrease of $2.73 to $70.34.


The county has agreed to reduce landfill costs if it is assured of a steady stream of trash, officials said. The cost-cutting is contingent on cities signing agreements so that the county is guaranteed at least 1.8 million tons of trash a year.

Half a dozen cities have already done so, said Sue Gordon, spokeswoman for the county’s Integrated Waste Management Department, ensuring delivery of about 700,000 tons of trash a year.

Santa Ana would generate about 267,000 tons a year for the landfill, the second-largest amount in the county, just behind Anaheim.


The deadline for cities to approve the revised landfill agreement is March 30.

The council will meet in chambers, 22 Civic Center Plaza, at 6 p.m. Information: (714) 647-6520.
