
Hearing to Focus on School Boundaries

A proposal to change attendance boundaries within Huntington Beach City School District will be the topic of a public hearing Monday.

Students from Joseph R. Perry, Agnes L. Smith and William E. Kettler elementary schools would be affected by the plan. The district committee seeking public comment is focusing on areas south of Clay Avenue and north of Atlanta Avenue, between Beach Boulevard and Lake Street.

Also, students who live south of Indianapolis Avenue and east of Brookhurst Street may be rerouted to Dr. Ralph E. Hawes or John H. Eader elementary schools.


The district decided to reopen Peterson-Clapp school this year as part of a program to reduce class size in second and third grades to take advantage of a state bonus to schools with no more than 20 pupils per teacher.

Monday’s public hearing will begin at 7 p.m. in the District Education Center, 20451 Craimer Lane. Information: (714) 964-8888.
