
Teacher’s Settles Lawsuit Over Schools’ Pants Ban


It looks like Roxanne Pittman can wear slacks while teaching at a Pomona elementary school after all. And she stands to get lots of money for new ones.

Pittman agreed to settle her lawsuit Friday against the Pomona Unified School District, which requires female teachers at three special elementary schools to wear skirts or dresses. Pittman sued, charging that the policy violated a 1994 state law barring employers from telling workers they cannot wear pants at work because of their sex.

The district agreed to suspend the pants ban--but for Pittman only--and to pay her $10,000, plus attorneys’ fees. The settlement, which has been approved by lawyers for the district, needs the approval of the school board.


Pittman’s lawyers threatened a new lawsuit on behalf of other female teachers next week unless the board drops the entire pants ban during its next meeting Tuesday. “No policy change Tuesday--lawsuit Wednesday,” said Pittman’s lawyer, Glenn Rothner.

District Supt. Patrick Leier said the school board will take up the proposed settlement--and the dress code policy--during a closed-door session. A public vote would likely have to wait for a later meeting, but the board could direct him to change the policy sooner, Leier said.


Pittman has taught since 1989 at Yorba Elementary School, one of three so-called fundamental schools that require teachers to follow the same strict dress code as the students. The schools are part of the public school system but emphasize discipline and basic academics.


School officials had offered to allow her to wear pants because of a medical condition, but she had declined because she feared being stigmatized at the school.

Lawyers for the school argued that the student dress code--girls must wear skirts or dresses and boys shirts and pants--is a key part of the special programs. For teachers to dress otherwise could undercut that policy, they said. Other Pomona schools have voluntary dress codes but do not bar girls from wearing pants.

The sponsor of the pants law, Assemblywoman Diane Martinez (D-Monterey Park), on Friday introduced a bill that would prohibit schools from barring pants-wearing by students without parental permission.


“I fully expect that the board will do the right thing and grant all district teachers their legal rights, just as it has granted me my rights,” Pittman said in a statement.
