
Religion Bestsellers

These are the best-selling religion books as calculated by Publishers Weekly magazine from data received from general independent bookstores, chain stores and wholesalers:


1. Living Faith, by Jimmy Carter. (Times Books, $23)

2. Conversations With God, by Neale Donald Walsch. (Putnam, $19.95)

3. The Good Book, by Peter J. Gomes. (William Morrow, $25)

4. How Good Do We Have to Be? by Harold S. Kushner. (Little, Brown, $21.95)

5. In the Grip of Grace, by Max Lucado. (Word, $19.99)

6. Children’s Letters to God: The New Collection, edited by Stuart Hemple and Eric Marshall. (Workman, $6.95)

7. God’s Inspirational Promise Book, by Max Lucado. (J. Countryman/Word, $12.99)

8. Gift and Mystery, by Pope John Paul II. (Doubleday, $19.95)

9. The Jesus I Never Knew, by Philip Yancey. (Zondervan, $18.99)

10. Tribulation Force, by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. (Tyndale, $19.99)


1. Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul, edited by J. Canfield, M. Hansen, J. Hawthorne and M. Shirnoff. (Health Communications, $12.95)


2. The Oath, by Frank Peretti. (Word, $12.99)

3. Chicken Soup for the Soul, edited by Jack Canfield and Mark Hansen. (Health Communications, $12)

4. The Beginning of the End, by John Hagee. (Thomas Nelson, $10.99)

5. Left Behind, by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. (Tyndale, $12.99)

6. Prayer: My Soul’s Adventure With God, by Robert Schuller. (Doubleday/Anchor, $5.99)

7. Sacred Origins of Profound Things, by Charles Panati. (Penguin, $14.95)

8. Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis. (Macmillan, $3.95)

9. Care of the Soul, by Thomas Moore. (HarperPerennial, $13.50)

10. Joshua, by Joseph Girzone. (Scribner, $9)
