
Council Will Consider Contribution Limits

An ordinance establishing election contribution limits set by Proposition 208 will be considered Monday by the City Council.

Under guidelines established by the state measure passed last year, the ordinance would limit an individual’s contributions to $100 per candidate for each election.

The proposition also gives local governments the option of establishing voluntary campaign spending limits for candidates.


The council could set a spending ceiling for each candidate of up to $1 per resident. If passed at that figure, Mission Viejo candidates could agree to accept a ceiling of $90,000 on their campaign.

In exchange, the limit on contributions would be raised to $250 per donor.

Otherwise, the candidate could run with no spending limit, but could only accept contributions of $100 or less.

Election experts say that local governments will likely set ceilings at far less than the $1 per resident allowed. City staff members have not recommended which limits the council should approve.


The meeting starts at 6 p.m. at City Hall, 25909 Pala.
