
Both Sides: City Councilman Richard Alarcon appeared...

Both Sides: City Councilman Richard Alarcon appeared before a state Senate committee this week. Alarcon opposes Valley secession yet spoke in favor of a bill put forward by proponents who want the issue decided by a citywide vote. . . . Sen. William A. Craven (R-Oceanside) sent him away, saying: “You may go home being fearlessly noncommittal.”

Winners and Losers: Commuters got a break when, after two years of construction, new carpool lanes opened Friday on the 118 Freeway . . . Mountain lions, it seems, don’t get any breaks. State officials admitted to routinely killing big cats that wander onto suburban streets.

The Week Ahead: Superman--The Escape suffered a less-than-super year of delays. . . . Touted as the world’s first 100-mph roller coaster, the ride finally opens next Saturday at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia. Said a spokeswoman: “We are elated.”
