
English-Only Teaching Is School Board Topic

The feasibility of applying for a bilingual-education waiver from the state is to be discussed tonight by trustees of the Anaheim City School District.

The district has nearly 13,000 students with limited English skills. They are now taught basic subjects in their native languages. A waiver would allow the district to teach those students in English-only classes with the help of bilingual teaching assistants.

The board’s latest discussion of bilingual education drew a large response from the community on both sides of the issue and stirred a debate among trustees.


Trustee Harald G. Martin, who first proposed seeking a waiver, said: “I’m going to continue to ask [the district] to show me that what they’re doing works. . . . I think the district can benefit from an English-only curriculum.”

The board will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Staff Development Center, 1001 S. East St. Information: (714) 517-8500.
