
Police Warn of ‘Ailing Child’ Money Scam

Ventura police warn that there is a man going door-to-door, from the west end of Ventura to midtown, asking for money so he can purchase medications for his terminally ill child. The man is a phony, and he has also stolen items from some houses when allowed inside, police say.

“He will take cash with the promise of paying it back,” Sgt. George Morris said of the scam, which began several weeks ago. “He’ll get anywhere between $10 and $20 and then end up in the wind and these people will write it off. But the less fortunate have invited him in and he steals from them.”

Police describe him as a white male between 25 and 27 years old, about 5-foot-8, with a medium frame and reddish-blond hair.


“This kind of scam is not anything new,” Morris said, adding that people will frequently use the good Samaritan technique for financial gain.

People who stop at houses asking for cash should be referred to such agencies as the Salvation Army, Catholic Charities and the welfare office, Morris said.

Police also want to hear from people who have been victimized by the man or have any information in this matter. Call Officer Terri Vujea at 648-8144.
