
Latino Group’s Meeting Will Focus on Demographic Shifts

The Latino Leadership Council, which seeks to improve economic, social and educational conditions in the West Side, is gathering for its quarterly meeting Tuesday to discuss ethnic and cultural shifts in the city’s population.

Featured guests William M. Vega, chancellor of the Coast Community College District, and Jorge R. Sanchez, a research and vocational education expert with the district, are presenting “Costa Mesa Demographics--Understanding the Present, Envisioning the Future.”

They will explain how the ethnic makeup of the city and schools is becoming increasingly Latino, said Maria Elena Avila, a member of the council’s board. Future population figures will be discussed.


The Latino council, an organization made up of business, religious and charity leaders, is an arm of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce, with ties to the city’s Latino business community.

Members of the council, known as the LLC, meet four times a year. Past meetings have focused on voter registration and efforts to hire more Latino and Spanish-speaking police officers.

Tuesday’s gathering, which will include a breakfast buffet, begins at 8 a.m. at Avila’s El Ranchito Restaurant, 2101 Placentia Ave. The event is free and open to the public.


Information: (714) 254-0870.
