
Courtroom Carving

* I am pleased with your article “Muslims Seek Removal of Courtroom Carving” (March 2). The handling of this issue by both Muslim groups and The Times should be applauded. Muslim groups are cautious not to blow this up to another Salman Rushdie incident, and the media seems to be considerate of the Muslims’ sensitiveness.

Muslim repulsion against making pictures, and especially three-dimensional objects, is deeply rooted and can be traced back to the Bible and Torah; Commandment No. 2 of the Ten Commandments prohibits believers from making graven images. I am surprised as to why no Muslim group has brought this up. I am sure there are still a good number of Jews and Christians who also believe in the message of the Ten Commandments and would understand Muslim objection to this graven image.


President, North American Assn.

for Service, Education and Relief

Alta Loma
