
Casa Pacifica Fills Gap in System

I’ve been following the Casa Pacifica situation for some time, and I think it’s time for concerned citizens to start stepping forward in support of this wonderful facility.

My interest is not merely casual but is from a perspective of one who has been a foster parent on many occasions. My wife Pat and I have cared for more than 20 foster children in our home since 1978, and we have been proud to fill this role.

Unfortunately, there are more children in need than there are foster parents to serve them. And there are difficult foster children who should not be placed in private homes. Casa Pacifica helps to fill this gap.


I know from practical experience, and in talking with other foster parents, that the kinds of incidents that have happened at Casa Pacifica also happen in private foster homes. We have had many positive experiences as foster parents and some that were not so positive. One foster child attempted to burn our house down. Another was unable to control his anger and rammed his fists through a wall. Some of our foster kids have brought drugs and weapons into our home. We’ve also been robbed on more than one occasion.

I feel that many of the problems reported at Casa Pacifica are unavoidable no matter where these children are placed.

In a best-case world, these incidents would not have occurred at Casa Pacifica. But in a best-case world, we would not need a Casa Pacifica or foster homes.


ED LYON, Ventura
