
Day-Care Donations Sought From Public

Acacia Adult Day Services’ fund campaign is about halfway to its goal of $3.2 million and is now turning to the public for contributions.

Officials heading the drive to raise money for a new center said they have a total of $250,000 from two foundations and pledges from several others.

Acacia Adult Day Services provides adult day care and health care to the county’s frail elderly.


Now operating from cramped quarters at Garden Grove United Methodist Church, the organization plans to move this fall to a temporary facility at Acacia and 8th streets in Garden Grove.

A permanent 12,000-square-foot facility is scheduled for completion in late 1998.

Clients from across Orange County are served by Acacia.

Mallory Vega, executive director, said that the new facility will increase the number of clients who can be served and that a waiting list has been started.

Information: (714) 530-1566.

