
Fluor Farms Out Development of Waste Treatment Plant

In a move that likely derails opposition to renewing its contract to manage the $2.2-billion cleanup of the federal nuclear processing plant at Fernald, Ohio, Fluor Corp. has agreed to farm out development of a troublesome waste treatment plant there.

The plant’s estimated design and construction costs have climbed to $56 million from $14 million under Fluor’s initial 1992 contract.

A federal audit of the Fernald cleanup criticized the Irvine-based engineering firm last week for cost overruns and delays. The same audit, however, lauded Fluor for being on time or ahead of schedule and within budget on all other aspects of the Fernald project.


A contingent of Ohio congressional delegates had said they would oppose renewing Fluor’s contract in November unless Fluor resolved its problems with the treatment plant project or brought in an experienced contractor to take over development of the plant.
