
Used Firetruck Going to Mexican Sister City

When Sunny Starbuck traveled last year to Cabo San Lucas, Newport Beach’s sister city, she heard there was a movement afoot to establish a volunteer fire brigade in town.

On Thursday, thanks to Starbuck and the other members of the Newport Beach Sister Cities Assn., the Mexican town’s budding Fire Department got a little boost. The group bought a used firetruck from the Newport Beach Fire Department to donate to Cabo San Lucas.

“This is something they are needing very badly down there,” Starbuck said.

The small, red pumper truck was selected, said Starbuck, because although it is too outdated for the Newport Beach Fire Department to use, it is perfect for Cabo San Lucas.


It carries its own water, which is a necessity because there are no fireplugs in the resort town on the tip of the Baja peninsula.

It is also small enough to maneuver the narrow, winding roads that traverse the city.

A benefit on May 4 in Newport Beach, sponsored by the Newport Beach Sister Cities Assn., will also raise money for Cabo San Lucas’ new Fire Department.

After the truck is spruced up and serviced, the group is planning to drive it to Cabo San Lucas. That should take place in late May or early June.
