
City Wants Pig Out of Town in 45 Days

The saga of Oscar Mayer may end soon--the City Council says he must leave Camarillo, but is giving him some extra time to do so.

Last month the council denied the request of Oscar’s owner, Robert Hamilton, to amend an ordinance banning pot-bellied pigs from Camarillo.

But on Wednesday, the council voted to give Hamilton 45 days to move Oscar. If he does not and the council takes civil action, Hamilton agreed he would pay all court fees.


Earlier in the week, Hamilton, a 43-year-old construction worker and part-time bartender, said he will sell or rent his house and move with Oscar to a town that allows pot-bellied pigs.

Hamilton bought Oscar four years ago from a Camarillo pet store. He said no one mentioned at the time that such animals were illegal.

Hamilton has lived at his Colony Drive residence with Oscar--until neighbors began to complain that the pig stinks and draws flies.


Thousand Oaks, Ventura, Fillmore and Simi Valley consider the critters domestic rather than farm animals and allow them within city limits.
