
Scheer on ‘Ellen’ and the Right

The hypocrisy of contemporary liberalism never ceases to amaze me. On May 6, Robert Scheer dedicated his entire Column Left to a contemptuous vilification of “religious conservatives.”

Their crime, my crime, as spoken through the mouth of Scheer’s priest friend, is “rejection, prejudice, hostility and punishment” of homosexuals. Yet his entire column is nothing other than a hostile and contemptuous rejection of people like me, based on prejudicial stereotypes of what we believe and how we feel.

Equally amazing is that Scheer, while admitting he is “over his head on these matters,” nevertheless uses hackneyed caricatures of biblical theology to malign us.


If Scheer had the slightest interest in the supposed theological contradictions of me and my peers, he could attend classes at any of hundreds of “conservative” churches on any Sunday, classes dedicated to understanding the proper application of Scripture and faith to daily life.


La Mirada

Scheer’s column was light, humorous and right on about the whole overblown controversy about the Ellen DeGeneres coming-out episode and the absurdity of the positions of the supposed Christian right.

The preoccupation with certain Bible passages and the ridiculous insistence that gays “recruit” have become so tiresome and do not square with reality. Most gays are productive and happy members of society and, if given the choice, early on would probably not have chosen the path they had to lead in life.


Acceptance and understanding are the only ultimate choices our society can make.


Laguna Beach
