
Circus Vargas OKd Over Pleas of Animal Activists

Circus Vargas has won approval to perform at the Huntington Center Mall in July, despite complaints from animal-rights activists.

The circus had been granted a permit, but that approval was put on hold until a zoning hearing this week. City Councilman Tom Harman said the activists were not aware of the first meeting, in April, and asked for another hearing so they could voice their concerns.

Members of Irvine-based Orange County People for Animals raised some of the same issues Wednesday that they presented to the City Council in March: that two elephants with Circus Vargas last year had tuberculosis and died after appearing in the county, and that training and transportation of circus animals is cruel and unnatural.


Zoning Administrator Herb Fauland granted the permit Wednesday with the condition that the circus pass inspection by Orange County Animal Control. At the circus’ recent appearances in Garden Grove and San Juan Capistrano, Animal Control officers made sure the animals were healthy and had proper space, food and shelter, he said.

This will be the circus’ fourth annual appearance in Huntington Beach, Fauland said.

“They have come and obtained other permits and complied with the conditions,” he said. “There have been no incidents of any kind we’re aware of.”

Anyone opposing the permit may appeal to the Planning Commission and then to the City Council, which has the final say.
