
McVeigh Trial, Punishment

* Paul Conrad (Drawingboard, June 4) shows the scales of justice weighted heavily to Timothy McVeigh’s conviction vs. the O. J. Simpson acquittal because of the prosecutors. I agree with the weight of justice heavily to the McVeigh conviction--however, the drawing should have shown the juries and judges on the scales rather than the attorneys.


Westlake Village

* Conrad’s cartoon seemed very apt except in one particular. The chief prosecutor of the McVeigh case, Joseph Hartzler, is normally found seated on a three-wheel electric scooter. Last year he was the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Father of the Year.

LEON LeBUFFE, President

National Multiple Sclerosis

Society, So. Calif. Chapter

Los Angeles

* Regarding life or death for McVeigh: In my opinion, life behind bars without the possibility of parole would be an option if the prisoner would be treated like a prisoner, and not a country club member.


No television, no visitors, no books, no outside mail, no rehabilitation training (could happen), no muscle-building. Only the basics: food and shelter. Plenty of time to think in a silence that never ends.

Of course all this is probably not possible since killers like McVeigh have rights!


Dana Point

* Michael Kazin (“McVeigh: An All-American Monster,” Commentary, June 6) has it all wrong when he asserts, “Only when leaders and citizens act to realize the American Dream” will the threat of violence be reduced. It is the growing presence of big government in our lives, and the perception thereof, that is driving the violent right.


San Diego
