
Raises Included in New Schools Budget

Moorpark school trustees have approved a $32-million budget for the 1997-98 school year.

Kept in tact was funding for seven new instructors, as well as $600,000 in raises for teachers, administrators and other workers. While that’s good news to school board President Tom Baldwin, the district will not know until September precisely how much to expect from the state.

Of particular concern is how much Gov. Pete Wilson sets aside for cost-of-living allowances for teachers, which are about 5% in the Moorpark district, according to Baldwin.

“The governor is anti-California Teachers Assn.,” Baldwin said. “He has put money elsewhere for the school districts, and not for COLAs.”


While the district has pledged $600,000 for the increases, if the governor does not authorize additional funds “we will still need to look elsewhere,” Baldwin said.

“I see trouble on the horizon, but I think we will be able to weather it,” he said.

As for the 30% cut in the books and supplies budget, Baldwin said those funds will be restored as the budget process moves along. “This is an evolving document,” he said.

“There will be no cuts in instructional materials and aides. We are not buying fewer pencils and we are not buying fewer textbooks. And it doesn’t mean we are hiring fewer aides to help the teachers,” Baldwin said.
