
Comedy Central


What it is: Games. Lots of games. And then, more games. “I believe in games,” said Comedy Central executive Larry Lieberman. But do they bring in the cold, hard cash? No. “If I’m making money, I’m doing something wrong,” he said, laughing. “I’m not taking enough chances.” Though Lieberman is hoping to draw more advertising in the near future, the purpose of the site is to provide entertainment that will bring more viewers to the cable channel.

How it is: If you like games, you’re in luck, sort of. Liar’s Poker is addictive and pretty darn fun; Win Ben Stein’s Cyber Money is exactly like the TV version; building Michael Jackson’s baby is clever . . . for about a second; Rod-o-Matic is uninspired, even when it’s working right; the “Absolutely Fabulous” Virtual Shopping Game is OK, but remarkably untrue to the characters; and the “Dream On” game is kinda dumb. The rest aren’t particularly worth mentioning. As for the minor non-game content, the handful of show-info pages are no more or less dull than any other site’s and the scrolling “Daily Show” headlines, though just as stupid as the show they’re plucked from, are at least sans smarmy host Craig “Call Me Craiggers” Kilborn.

The Official Alyssa Milano Web Site


What it is: Like many of the burgeoning official celebrity Web sites, this one is more about the former “Who’s the Boss”/current “Melrose Place” starlet than anyone should admit to wanting. Pictures, professional bio and very limited personal information. There are plans to expand the site, because “as Alyssa continues to grow and change, so does” Lin Milano, Alyssa’s mom, says one hindrance to that growth is money. Currently, Alyssa foots the bill for her eponymous site, but the addition of sound and video clips and chat areas, according to Lin, costs “a lot of money.” Which puts Alyssa--and other celebrities who finance their sites--in a bind. Cool stuff is expensive, but advertising on the site threatens content control. And subscription fees? Come now.


How it is: Pictures, resume and limited personal information sound kind of boring? They are. Not if you love Alyssa, I suppose, but, perhaps, even then. For what Lin describes as “not a big, glamorous page, [more like] a teen magazine,” it does actually succeed. Although the Official Alyssa Milano Web Site doesn’t begin to compare with more creative celeb sites--like the financially troubled Scottland by “Kids in the Hall” alum Scott Thompson--it is a little better looking and has fewer spelling errors than your run-of-the-mill fan site. And what to make of Alyssa’s Web site counter, which reads 111,197? I’ll admit to being responsible for a handful of those hits . . . but someone else is going to have to take the rap for the rest.

Please send comments and entertainment site suggestions to Krissy Harris at [email protected]
