
Injured Worker

From a humanitarian perspective, I sympathize with the plight of Armando Rubio, the 26-year-old day laborer who nearly lost his thumb in a work-related accident (“Injured Worker Finds Little Aid,” Nov. 25).

The lead paragraph acknowledged that Rubio is “an undocumented worker.” Rubio broke federal law and violated our national sovereignty when he illegally emigrated to this country. He chose to work as a day laborer, knowing that there would be little money, no benefits and, incidentally, no taxes. He found work at a construction site and, by his own admission, picked up a circular saw--an inherently dangerous tool for experienced contractors and home repairmen alike.

Now Rubio looks to the state for some form of relief. But there will be no relief or sympathy for the taxpayers who, in the end, will pick up some or all of the tab for $13,000 in medical bills.



La Canada Flintridge
