
Welfare Effort, Visitor Bureau on Agenda

Council members today are expected to renew an agreement with the Anaheim/Orange County Visitor & Convention Bureau to continue promoting the city.

The agreement calls for the city to pay the bureau a percentage of hotel bed taxes, an estimated $4.2 million. The bureau’s annual budget is about $5 million, with revenues also generated from membership fees.

In return, the bureau would continue using its sales and marketing staff to promote tourism and offer convention-related services.


The council also will consider submitting an application for $786,450 in state funding for a welfare-to-work training project. The proposed project would provide about 200 welfare recipients with job readiness training and support services.

The meeting begins at 5 p.m. in the council chambers, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd.

Information: (714) 254-5166.
