
Community Leaders to Read to Students

The Weathersfield School PTA is hosting its annual holiday read-aloud program this week.

Two dozen community leaders are lined up to read to the elementary students and talk about careers and public involvement.

Today, Conejo Valley Unified School District Supt. Jerry Gross will read to the children, along with a Thousand Oaks police officer and county Supervisor Frank Schillo’s wife, Marian.

“This is one of the most wonderful things I’ve discovered at the school,” said Carol Philips, Weathersfield’s new principal.


Speakers later this week include school trustees and business leaders. Earlier this week, Thousand Oaks Mayor Mike Markey, City Councilwoman Linda Parks, a scientist and a firefighter attended the event.

“Of course, the program promotes literacy and reading,” Philips said. “But it also helps the kids recognize that we mark special passages of time with books. It sends incredible messages when you have adult role models reading to children other than mom or dad.”
