
Sharp Sense of Humor Should Sell Some Cheese

Advertiser: Dairy Management Inc.

Agency: Leo Burnett Co., Chicago

Challenge: Get cheese on consumers’ holiday snack lists.

The Ad: In this lighthearted TV commercial, Santa rewards a family that leaves him a hunk of cheese instead of the usual plate of cookies. When the family awakens on Christmas morning to find an abundance of gifts--including a pony and a sports car--the father tells his young daughter: “Those must have been some cookies you left Santa.” She then fills Dad in. The commercial ends with the voice-over: “Behold the power of cheese.”

Comment: Appropriately over-the-top, the spot nudges consumers to associate cheese with the holidays. No doubt some kids will take its message to heart. Parents looking forward to nibbling cookies, be warned. $$$


Ads are rated from $ to $$$$, based on tastefulness and probable effectiveness, with $$$$ being best.
