
Storage Can Be Carved From Rafters


Q: I’d like to install an attic ladder in our hallway and use the area in the attic for storage by putting plywood over the rafters. Is it safe to put plywood over the ducting for our furnace? Can we cut away some of the rafters to install the ladder without weakening the ceiling?


San Clemente

A: As long as the rafters aren’t holding up a bearing wall, you can cut into them, says Pete Gorman of Rancho Lumber in Westminster.

Most attic stairs come as kits that include basic metal brackets used to help reinforce the attic opening. When using this area for storage, you’ll find that it gets cold in winter and hot in summer, so be careful not to store anything that’s too temperature-sensitive.


Q: The plastic expansion joints around the concrete walk surrounding my pool are cracked and broken. Is there anything I can use to make them look less unsightly?


Mission Viejo

A: Unfortunately, these joints break up over time and ultimately need to be replaced, says Bill Sink of Angelus Quarries in Santa Ana.

They’re exposed year-round to the weather and the pressure of the flexing concrete. After pulling out the broken plastic pieces, you could try using a silicone caulk designed for such use between the concrete slabs.


You’ll want a material that can take the expansion and contraction of the concrete along with great temperature variations.

Q: My aluminum mini-blinds are very difficult to clean. The last time I did them I put them in the shower and was able to do a reasonably good job, but it was very time consuming, and I ended up bending a few of the slats. What’s the best way?


La Habra

A: Professional blind cleaners use an electrostatic surface to pull dirt and dust off of the metal surface of the blind, says Gidon Adlan of Bob’s Shades, Linoleum and Carpeting in Orange.


This isn’t practical for do-it-yourselfers. You can use a mini-blind brush, sold in most hardware stores. However, these have a tendency to dirty the cords that hold the blind together.

Washing the blinds will get them clean, but you risk bending slats or making the mechanism inside rusty. Check for prices from the mini blind cleaners in your area. Most charge from $10 to $20 per blind depending on size; it may be better to have them cleaned.

If you have a question about your home or garden, A Helping Hand will help you find the answer. Send questions to John Morell, Home Design, The Times Orange County, 1375 Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626.
