
Council to Weigh Options to Offset Budget Shortfall

The City Council will revisit the city’s budget shortfall tonight when it considers options to close the funding gap, including placing a utility tax increase on the ballot and making cuts in library and children’s services.

Several months ago, the city adopted an annual budget using reserves to make up a $900,000 shortfall. But now some council members have had a change of heart and are calling for budget cuts or a tax hike to avoid a long-term cash shortfall.

“I’m looking for $600,000 in cuts,” said Mayor Robert Harbicht. “Everyone knows we need to cut. But no one wants us to cut their favorite program.”


As the council considers such options as eliminating Sunday library hours, a school anti-drug program operated by police officers and crossing guards, residents are expected to protest.

Meanwhile, two months after a fire-suppression tax failed to muster support of the city’s voters, some residents want the council to place a 5% to 8% utility tax hike on the April ballot.

“Personally, I think it won’t pass,” Harbicht said. “It’s a waste of time. But I won’t stand in its way if others want to put it on the ballot.”
