
View of Scientists on Climate Change

Regarding “World Views on Global Warming Are Worlds Apart,” Oct. 5: I applaud The Times for coverage of the debate over global climate change. In the attempt to portray the scope of the debate and the complexity of the scientific issues involved, however, your story curiously fails to report the broad scientific consensus on the subject. The 1995 report that is fleetingly mentioned was compiled by the world’s preeminent climate scientists, and concluded that there is a discernible impact of human activities on climate.

Even more curious is the scant coverage of the Sept. 30 Science Summit on Climate Change in Washington. At this summit, the Clinton administration was presented with the World Scientists’ Call for Action at the Kyoto Climate Summit, signed by more than 1,500 senior scientists, including the majority of living science Nobel laureates. This document calls for commitment to implementing “effective controls on human practices affecting climate.” Let there be no doubt about the conclusions of the scientific community: The threat of global warming is very real and action is needed immediately.


Division of Biology

