
Trustees Should Reconsider Contract

For 21 years I have been associated with the Moorpark College speech and debate team as a student member, a student volunteer coach and, for the last 11 years plus, as a full-time faculty member and team coach. It is with that background I ask the following questions of the district trustees and officials who stand in opposition to a fair and reasonable contract for faculty:

When you travel on district business, do you stay in “economy” motels, four to a room? The Moorpark speech team does because of its small budget. That same speech team has won seven national championships, has finished second eight times and in third place seven times. What have you done that is comparable and deserves the luxury accommodations you stay in while traveling?

When you travel on district business, how much do you receive for meals? The speech team receives nothing--not a dime, until nationals when students and coaches receive approximately $10 a day to survive on while representing you. I invite the public to check the records and see how much you spend on travel and meals.


How many uncompensated hours do you give to the district? My colleagues and I work three to five times the 70 hours per semester we’re paid for. I invite you to accompany us to a three-day weekend tournament this semester to see if you can keep up. Of course, no food money will be provided and you’ll have to quadruple-up in a “budget” room.

All the while you pay an out-of-town attorney to spout lies to the public at $140 an hour; you allow district office costs to come close to tripling, and you write checks to law firms for hundreds of thousands of dollars with no accountability because it’s labeled “personnel issues.” Not a dime of that money benefits students.

A final question: How does your conscience allow you to sleep at night?


Professor of speech,

Moorpark College
