
More Bumps: Speed humps are like speed...

More Bumps: Speed humps are like speed bumps with less bump, and whether you love them or hate them, you are likely to see more in the future. Los Angeles has installed about 100 speed humps over the past few years to slow motorists in pedestrian zones. On Friday, the City Council Transportation Committee instructed employees to study ways to use more of them. The humps, longer and lower than the more steeply angled speed bumps, reduce average traffic speed by 7 mph.

* CAUGHT: Marshall High School’s Shawn Suchat tackles Kennedy High’s Paul Jones, on the way to Marshall’s 34-27 victory Friday. C13

* GANG FATHER: Fatherhood brings some gang members a gift: the desire to get out of the gang and build a better life. B1


* SHORT, STOUT: Sonny Kamm of Encino has teapots. And tea sets. And more teapots. More than 3,500 of them. All shapes and sizes and designs. Above, he displays a “King Kong” pot. B2

* PROFESSOR BRAUDE: Former Los Angeles City Councilman Marvin Braude has returned to academia, taking a post at USC, where the dean hopes Braude’s experience will help combat student cynicism. B1
