
Indian Mascot Lawsuit

Re “Birmingham Booster Sues L.A. Unified Over Indian Mascot Ban,” Jan. 8.

Their actions are based on ignorance and insensitivity toward Native Americans, the significance of our religion and culture.

The article is propaganda and an extension of the historic treatment of our children. It is clear that the federal Indian schools of the past, which kept that generation institutionalized in an attempt to destroy the culture, language and spirituality, could not continue. It was too obvious. This is the reason why the effort to maintain the Braves is so critical to these people. The use of Indian mascots is a method to perpetuate the psychological warfare against our community.

It appears there is a common thread that runs throughout this country: insensitivity, racism and lack of respect for Native Americans and our right to hold and protect our religious objects.


We remind you, the Fighting Irish stereotype conjures up images of drunken, brawling alcoholics. The truth is, the fighting in Ireland is a long-standing religious war that has divided families and destroyed lives. Tell your children the truth.

Jim Pitillo and Frank Arrigo are not only guilty of perpetuating a negative practice against us [they are] role models, leaders of their community, declaring racism is as American as baseball and apple pie. A very thin line, or is it a hate crime?

JOE TALAUGON, Coordinator,

Central Section, Committee for

Native American Rights

Santa Maria
