
“Sex Tips for Straight Women From a Gay Man” By Dan Anderson & Maggie Berman. Harper Audio. One cassette. Length: 90 minutes, $12. Read by the authors. Available in bookstores

This promises to send feminists screaming from the room instead of squirming with delight. The authors--whose only qualifications for writing a sex manual seem to be that they are best friends--teach a technique, then tell the listener to use it before asking for that vacation home.

There is not a medical term to be heard. Coy references are made to male anatomy. The jokes are blatant and sophomoric, and most of this is on the level of a Cosmopolitan magazine article.

It is difficult to believe it was published by a mainstream company. Maggie Berman’s delivery is harsh and static; Dan Anderson’s, too cutesy. You may pick up a few pointers, but not before these two have destroyed your nerves.
