
Wasted Court Time

Re “Task Force Will Study Time Officers Spend in Courts,” March 19:

It is a worthy effort for law enforcement to study ways to reduce the burden of court appearances. I am sure that there are some things that can be accomplished on the margins. But the gigantic and wasteful consumption of officer and other witness time is a function of the institutionalized inefficiency of the bifurcated and unautomated California trial-court system.

Unless and until the California trial courts are unified and fully automated, and a 24-hour arraignment department is established at all major courthouses, the most common court activity for judges, jurors, press, witnesses and citizens will continue to be simply waiting.

I urge support of court unification, Proposition 220, that will appear on the June ballot as a long overdue and positive step in the direction of substantially improving the courts’ internal efficiency and external effectiveness.



San Diego Municipal Court
