
Telecommunications Plan Ready for Public Comment

The draft of the city’s telecommunications master plan, which is intended to guide municipal telecommunications development for the next five years, is available for public comment through April 13.

Two of the plan’s central goals are to create a network linking the city’s governmental and educational institutions and to ensure residents’ universal access to telecommunication services, said Kate Vernez, senior management analyst for the city.

A third aim is to find ways to improve use and maintenance of the “right of ways” that make telecommunication networks possible--the streets under which conduits are laid and the buildings onto which antennae and transmitters are mounted.


The draft plan was developed after a yearlong process of obtaining input from local residents and business owners, Vernez said.

A copy of the executive summary of the draft is available on the city’s Web site at Residents may call the city manager’s office at (310) 458-8301 to request a copy of the complete plan.

Vernez said city staff will probably present the plan to the City Council in late April or early May.
