
Annual Cesar Chavez Day Event to Be Held

The fifth annual Cesar Chavez Day march and cultural festival will be held Sunday in Mission Hills and San Fernando.

Organizers said the free event is dedicated to Chavez’s life of nonviolent social and political activism. Chavez, a civil rights activist and longtime leader of the United Farm Workers, died in 1993.

“The purpose of the march is to educate the community and to keep Chavez’s spirit alive,” said Claudia Martinez, a spokeswoman for Pueblo Y Salud, which is sponsoring the event along with the Cesar Chavez Commemorative Committee. “It’s very important for Latinos to remember who he was and what he did.”


On Monday, a Fast for Spiritual Renewal will be held in conjunction with the United Farm Workers. The voluntary fast will end Tuesday evening, Chavez’s birthday, with a candlelight vigil and Mass at Mary Immaculate Catholic Church in Pacoima, organizers said.

The march and festival will begin at 11 a.m. Sunday at Brand Park in Mission Hills with several speakers, including former United Farm Workers President Dolores Huerta.

The march will start at noon Sunday at Brand Park and proceed up Brand Boulevard to San Fernando Recreation Park, where a cultural arts celebration will begin at 12:30.


The festival will feature music, dancing, art displays, food, speakers and information booths from community organizations.
