
Hearing Tonight on Marblehead Land

A public hearing is scheduled tonight before the Planning Commission on the development proposal for the 250-acre Marblehead property.

The site, one of Orange County’s last major undeveloped coastal expanses, is nestled between Interstate 5 and the city’s historic North Beach area.

The Irvine-based Lusk Holding Co. proposes to build a gated community with 436 single-family homes, a 61-acre commercial area and outlet center, an entertainment center, a bluff-side park and parking for 4,691 vehicles. The city would receive $1.2 million for library and senior center improvements and $1 million for downtown business promotion.


At two community workshops this month, several residents raised concerns about noise, lighting, ocean views and businesses that would compete with established ones.

“The lighting alone will create the appearance of a mini-Las Vegas,” resident Austin Garrett said in a letter to the city.

The public hearing begins at 7 p.m. at 100 Avenida Presidio. Another public hearing before the Planning Commission will be April 14.
