
Talk Planned Tonight on Male Sexuality

Kaiser Permanente Woodland Hills will host a seminar tonight that aims to demystify male sexuality and sexual dysfunction.

Doctors and nurses at the hospital will present a frank discussion on new drugs coming on the market that promise renewed vigor and on alternative methods for treating impotence.

Participants will get a general view of human sexuality as well.

“We want to give the audience a balanced discussion about the emotional aspects and the physical aspects of sex and sexual pleasure,” said Dr. Adam Singer, chief of urology at the medical center. “We want to have a free discussion about something that most people have been unable to talk about for a lot of years.”


Singer’s presentation will focus on the mechanics of male sexuality, including the physiological changes that develop with age, the treatments for impotence and how to incorporate those treatments in sex practices.

And Singer expects many questions on the hot topic of the moment, Viagra, the pill that combats impotence.

For another look at sexuality, Beverly Armstrong, a nurse educator, will address emotions and the importance of practicing safe sex at any age.


While the focus of the seminar will be on men, Singer said women are also encouraged to attend since many of the techniques and issues discussed affects them as well.

The seminar, part of the hospital’s continuing Men’s Health Choices Series, is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. at the facility, 5601 De Soto Ave., in auditoriums A, B and C.

Officials said interest in male sexuality and dysfunction generated by the publicity surrounding Viagra made the topic an obvious choice for the series.


For more information and to register for the seminar, call (818) 719-4305.
