
Click Here: A roundup of recommended Web sites

Information, please: Want everything the Feds know about cheese production? How about retail trade stats? U.S. mortality maps? Seek and you shall find almost everything at the University of Michigan’s Document Center, (

Hot lava: What’s erupting on this world and others, at Volcano World, ( Mammoth-area residents might want to bookmark this.

My fellow Americans: Find out what people are thinking. Poll results on many topics. Scarier than “The Blair Witch Project.” Portrait of America, (


Carpets! Get your carpets! Guilt-free Third World shopping. Virtual Souk, (

You asleep? Free wake-up calls anywhere in the United States. You, or that special someone you wake up at 3 a.m., gets news, weather, horoscope and a five-second ad. Mr. Wake Up, (

Anchors aweigh: Explore the ocean. Lose the Dramamine, keep the rum. From PBS’ “Savage Seas” series, (


It’s not South Park: Martha Stewart and Saddam Hussein together again. Need we say more? It’s Not CNN at Atom Films,

More disturbing people: Pictures found on the street. A convincing reason to get a paper shredder. The People’s Photos, (


Have a Web site suggestion? E-mail [email protected].
