
Probation Officers

* I read with some interest “Probation Officers Strain to Keep Up With Caseloads” (July 26). Not all people on probation need supervision. Those who do need supervision do not all need the same level of supervision.

People with high potential for violence and other predatory behavior need very intensive supervision, much higher than can be effective in caseloads of 100 or even 50. Even high-risk cases can be effectively supervised with positive results, if done properly with appropriate sanctions and consequences. That in many cases will be prison. In other cases it will be a learning experience that will lead away from drug addiction, alcoholism and violence. The formula is relatively simple; the application is not. It is a type of parenting done with care and even love, but never permissive and always with one eye on protecting the community first and the other on changing a lifestyle.


Senior Deputy Probation

Officer (Ret.), Santa Barbara
