
Tobacco Firm Liable for Cancer

* After reading “Tobacco Firm Liable in Cancer Case” (Feb. 10) I find myself at a deeper question than simply who is to blame. At what point are we (as a society) going to stop blaming industry and institutions for individuals’ ignorance and lack of judgment?

I do not smoke, but I do not feel that the tobacco industry is to blame for the occurrence of the many afflictions their product causes. I mean, is it not a serious enough sign that something might not be good for us when its use makes it impossible for us to breathe? When, if we exercise, we begin wheezing and coughing, is that not a clear enough omen that taking in the over 250 chemicals in cigarette smoke might not be a health-conscious idea? At some point we all must take responsibility for our actions, and until I see or hear of tobacco pushers forcing cigarettes into the mouths of unsuspecting individuals, the choice to smoke is exactly that--a choice.




The proposals to air tough new TV and billboard ads to discourage smoking (Feb. 10) are welcome indeed! They remind me of a simple demonstration by my scoutmaster some 50 years ago about the effect of smoking. I’ll never forget the ugly brown stain made by just one puff of cigarette smoke blown through a white handkerchief.



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