
Images Open New Window for Kids

If you’re looking for an alternative vehicle to cruise the Web, you may want to visit Arriba Vista ( new search engine that can be used to find hundreds of thousands of images on the Internet.

The search engine is ideal for kids because it’s like browsing through an encyclopedia with pictures. When you type in terms such as “Star Wars,” “North Pole” or “horses,” the result is a series of thumbnail photos. Click on the desired image, and you’ll be linked directly to the Web site where the picture came from. A search for “space shuttle” produced 2,786 images, and included links to NASA, CNN, a Web page about the space program in India, and many others.

Users may also do advanced searches, specifying additional information about the images, including type (photograph, graphic or animation), the relative size of the image, and the size of the image file.


Of interest to parents: Arriba Vista’s staff checks all images, deleting any that are inappropriate for children.
