
Sex Scandals

Re “Appetite for Scandal Altering Political Menu,” Jan. 10: By virtue of humanity’s flawed nature, everyone who “self-righteously” upholds standards of decency, personal morality and objective truth is a hypocrite at times.

Hustlers like Larry Flynt, James Carville and, yes, Bill “legally accurate” Clinton, who fail to uphold such standards by subscribing to the “progressive,” modern, secular philosophy that multiple wrongs make a right, are rarely accused of being hypocrites.

Wake up, America. Unless we as a country grow up and come to grips, once again, with the fact that the absence of values, shame and taboos is worse than some hypocrisy, our ideals will continue to erode until we are no longer able to govern ourselves as a free people.



Studio City


In order to hold public office, a politician’s leadership abilities should be so outstanding that past iniquities will be overlooked.

Perhaps our leaders’ and the media’s preoccupation with sex scandals is nothing but a testament to the incompetence of our nation’s public servants.


Long Beach
