

A controversial proposal to build a senior housing complex on 12 acres of open space above the Central Library could be resurrected. Councilman Tod W. Ridgeway said he wants to revisit affordable senior housing on the Newport Village site since it is needed in the city. He plans to raise the issue at the council’s goal-setting session Saturday. It will also be the topic of the council’s Feb. 8 study session.

The Irvine Co. withdrew its proposal for a 227-unit complex on the Avocado Avenue site last summer. The project faced strong opposition from library advocates, environmentalists and homeowners. Also, the city and the Irvine Co. could not agree on replacement open space.

The Avocado Avenue land has been dedicated to the city as open space, and an agreement between the city and Irvine Co. provides that it still can be used for senior housing.
