
Playing Blame Game on Taylor’s Fame

Mr. Simers, I always enjoy reading your take on the NFL! And most times, I even agree with your opinions. But I’ve never felt strongly enough to tell you, or anyone, what I feel. This time, however, I’m compelled to put finger to keyboard to let you know that you were right on the money with your column on Lawrence Taylor. If this wife-beating, convicted felon, junkie, racist miscreant is voted to the Hall of Fame, the residing members should be draped in black veils, for it will surely be a dark day.




T.J. Simers’ Spin of the Day on Lawrence Taylor is the real shame. Mr. Taylor’s enshrinement into the Hall of Fame should be based solely on his performance on the field.

We as readers do not need your moral judgment on individuals, only your opinion of their talents on the playing field. I hope that future voters for the writers’ Hall of Fame consider you on how well you wrote and not on your ability to play the game.



Lemon Grove


As a native of Canton, Ohio, I am somewhat disappointed (yet not surprised) by the rules that my hometown shrine uses to determine its electees. Many professional athletes (and some elected officials, it seems) have always been held to a different set of standards than the rest of us. However, if there is any way to share that voting philosophy with Cooperstown, can we finally see Pete Rose in his rightful place?


Hermosa Beach
