
9 Steps to Combat Type 2


by Dr. Vern Cherewatenko and Paul Perry

Harper Audio, abridged nonfiction, two cassettes. Length: three hours. $18. Read by Cherewatenko. Available in bookstores or by calling (800) 331-3761.


This is, basically, a 100-page pamphlet that was stretched into a book. However, it is comprehensive and does explain useful terminology to a person with diabetes. It would also be helpful to anyone diagnosed as a borderline diabetic who hopes to prevent the disease from progressing.

The author emphasizes diet, exercises and supplements as a way to control type 2 diabetes without medicine, or with a reduced dosage of insulin. (Though, of course, no one should attempt to change his or her medication without doctor supervision.) Cherewatenko offers a nine-step plan to a cure. All of his methods are sensible and involve reducing stress, switching to a low-carbohydrate diet and adding specific supplements to one’s diet. Nothing radical and nothing all that new. This is best as a compendium of information for someone determined to become involved in managing his or her own health care.


As the written book is slim, little has been lost in the abridgment. Though the author lacks a bit of polish, no one will have trouble listening to him for a few hours. However, if you are planning to use this as a reference, opt for the written format, which offers more detailed information.



by Marcia Emery

Simon & Schuster Audio, abridged nonfiction, two cassettes. Length: two hours. $17. Read by the author. Available in bookstores.


There is a lot of useful information in this audio regarding relaxation, tuning into your body’s needs, guided imagery. Not much of it is new, however.


Marcia Emery, who has written three other books, all about intuition, places much credence in our intuitive abilities. She believes that if we learn to listen, we will instinctively know what our bodies need. She also teaches us that we can aid in our healing if we only learn the correct methods, which are relaxation, meditation and guided imagery. Proper breathing, adequate amounts of water, rest and a healthy diet all figure into her plan.

Information is presented clearly and in manageable increments. However, listeners will be better off with the written version, as Emery is one author who should not read her own material. She is so amateurish that one could almost mistake this for a parody of a health care tape. She so lacks vigor that she could cause the eyelids of even her most ardent admirer to droop.
