
Special Section

Wall Street, California, appears today as Your Investments, Business Part II.

FOCUS ON 2000: The global economy has comfortably survived the many regional meltdowns and near-meltdowns of recent years. Except for Y2K, investors are turning their attention to next year. S1

ASIA’S BACK: Swallowing their pride, the smaller Asian economies are removing economic excesses and are reviving--but Japan and China remain wild cards. S1

SMALL VICTORY: Small companies outperformed larger ones in the second quarter, a rare occurrence in the 1990s. S1


TOP-RATED FUNDS: The Times and fund-tracker Morningstar Inc. have developed a ranking system to help you evaluate your current mutual funds and choose new ones. S12

* STOCK EXCHANGE: Michael Hiltzik and James Peltz review the performance of stocks they’ve discussed in their column over the last year. S19

* Motley Fool, S19

* Money Make-Over, Hot & Cold Stocks and Stock Market Barometers do not appear today.
