
Times Conference to Include Sessions in Spanish

Eight sessions in Spanish will be offered at the Los Angeles Times Small Business Strategies Conference on Sept. 24-25.

The offering is part of a partnership with the Spanish-language newspaper La Opinion. The paper’s executives and business editors will duplicate eight of the 48 sessions offered in English, but will choose the Spanish-language speakers and modify the content for Latino business owners.

The Friday sessions are Business Programs and Resources for Minorities, at 11 a.m.; Guerrilla Financing: Early Stage Capital, 1:30 p.m.; Exporting: How to Broaden Your Sales, 2:45 p.m.; and Developing a Marketing Plan, 4 p.m.


Saturday’s Spanish-language sessions will be Women’s Unique Business Strengths, 8:30 a.m.; Writing Your Business Plan, 11 a.m.; Getting Free Media Coverage for Your Business, 2:45 p.m.; and Start-Up and Existing Structures for Business, 4 p.m.

La Opinion editors also will help secure a fourth keynote speaker after a scheduling conflict forced the cancellation of Richard Foos, president of Rhino Entertainment.

More than 10,000 small-business owners are expected to attend the conference, which is designed to aid growing businesses with instructional and interactive workshops, networking sessions, an exhibit hall and one-on-one business advice from consultants in three free, Ask-the-Experts hours.


Six sessions will feature consultants and entrepreneurs providing top industry methods in six regional industries: biomedical/bioscience, business consulting, manufacturing, tech coast, exporting and retail.

Registration begins Aug. 4. To get on a mailing list, phone 800-350-3211, or go to for more information.
