
Harry Potter

* Re “Choice, Not Censorship, Is the Issue Over ‘Harry Potter’ in School,” Ventura County Perspective, Nov. 7.

Dominic Schmidt should be commended for taking such an interest in his child’s reading material. He hopes that “more people will take note of what is being taught to our kids in class.”

I couldn’t agree more but I would add Sunday school class.

Although he quotes scripture in his article, perhaps Mr. Schmidt is unaware of all the “manipulation, lying, violence and rebellion” (his words describing the Harry Potter books) within the pages of his favorite “real all-time bestseller,” the Bible.


Since the Harry Potter books have already been written, would Mr. Schmidt like to see a sequel, “Harry Potter--Divine Retribution,” in which the rebellious Harry is subjected to the same punishments visited upon those nasty youngsters in the Bible? How about having Harry devoured by bears as in II Kings 2:23,24? Boiled and eaten as in II Kings 6:28,29? Or dashed against the stones as in Psalms 137:9?

As Mr. Schmidt warns us: “Don’t let peer pressure or popularity fool you into thinking that these are good books.” Compared to the Bible, Harry Potter is just child’s play.



* Re “Simi Valley Parent Persists in Potter Book Protest,” Nov. 19.

I say to every child, parent, school district, private school, teacher, library and bookstore, keep the Harry Potter books for our kids’ reading enjoyment.




Letters to the Editor
