
Trustee Wins Boxer Award for Education

Elaine Garber, who has served as a Hueneme Elementary trustee for 40 years, received an “Excellence in Education” award Monday night from U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer’s office.

The award, in its third year, recognizes people who are making an extraordinary impact on education. Each year, the California senator and her staff honor about 10 educators statewide.

“It’s to highlight education as an issue and to recognize those who are making extra contributions,” said Matthew Kagan, director of Boxer’s Southern California office.


Garber received a certificate and a letter from Boxer at Monday’s school board meeting.

“It is quite an honor,” Garber said early Monday. “I have quite a few awards, but I’ve never received one at the state level.”

Garber holds the distinction as the longest-serving school board member in Ventura County. She is credited with bringing Hueneme Elementary School District up to speed technologically and earning the 8,000-student district national recognition for its use of computers in the classroom.
