
Fire Alarm Tests Delay Final Permit for Staples Center

The new Staples Center opened its doors a week ago with a 60-day temporary occupancy permit, issued by fire inspectors who say that they will grant the center a final permit after they finish testing the building’s complex network of smoke detectors and fire alarms.

“It’s not a big issue,” said Assistant City Fire Marshal Mike Fulmis. “Their alarm systems are all installed. They’re all tied together. . . . The problem is we haven’t had the time--because of the newness and the complexity of the alarm system--to test all the components.”

Until the center receives final approval from the Fire Department, Fulmis said, it will be required to have up to seven fire inspectors on hand during public events. In case of an emergency, the inspectors would manually activate the building’s alarm system. Inspectors, meanwhile, are in the process of testing about 25,000 components of the building’s alarm system.


“I want to stress that this is a safe building,” Fulmis said. “I would feel comfortable bringing my family here. . . . We gave them 60 days to finish the testing.”
